Working Desk (1920x500)

Healthy Snacks for Work

Fuelling yourself throughout the workday is important not to just keep the hunger pangs at bay but also to keep you energised and productive. With busy schedules and deadlines though, it can be hard to get something healthy when those biscuits are just too easy to grab (and so tasty too).

But there are lots of easy, healthy and tasty snack options you can spice up your lunchbox with, whether you commute to the office or work from home.

Here are ten mouth-watering healthy work snack ideas that are not only healthy but also packed with essential nutrients to keep you energised throughout the day.

Chickpeas (880x880)

1. Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas are a delightful and protein-rich snack that will satisfy your craving for something crispy. Chickpeas have a range of benefits; they're packed with nutrients and may help you feel full for longer.

Chickpeas have protein that is of better quality than other pulses and contain significant amounts of many amino acids that your body needs, as well as being high in fibre. So when it comes to health, chickpeas are a good all-rounder!

To make this nourishing and tasty snack, simply drain a tin of chickpeas and pat dry, then toss them with olive oil, salt, and your favourite spices, then roast them in the oven until golden and crunchy.

2. Veggies and Guacamole

Made from avocado, lime, onion and coriander leaves, guacamole goes well with lots of raw veggies. Avocados are high in monosaturated fats, so may help with cardiovascular health.

Make this snack extra healthy by pairing the dip with water-rich vegetables, such as bell peppers. Choosing veggies that have a high water content will help you keep hydrated too, which affects productivity.

Find out why hydration is so important.

3. Apples and Peanut Butter

For an absolutely delicious snack that's full of health benefits, apple slices with peanut butter are a satisfying choice. Apples are full of nutrients and even include 10% of your recommended intake of Vitamin C. They also have a high water content, so help you to stay hydrated too.

The peanut butter isn't just to make this snack tasty either, peanut butter is a nutritious and delicious spread. Packed full of protein and healthy fats, peanut butter has a range of potential health benefits. Just be sure to pick a natural peanut butter that doesn't have added sugar or oils, which can reduce how healthy the butter is.

4. Popcorn

Not just for the cinema, popcorn makes a great healthy snack to take to the office. Popcorn is one of the world's most popular snacks, and so long as it's air-popped and not served with ingredients that are high in fat, salt or sugar, it's one of the healthiest too. High in fibre and low in calories, popcorn also contains a number of vitamins and minerals.

Furthermore, popcorn contains significant amounts of a class of antioxidants known as phenolic acids. Having a diet high in phenolic compounds is linked to a decreased rate of chronic diseases.

5. Cashews

Cashews contain heart-healthy fats and a range of vitamins and minerals. These nuts are also rich in antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for eye health. In fact, these antioxidants have been linked to a lower risk of age-related macular degeneration.

If you don't like cashews on their own, you can create a tastier treat by tossing raw cashews with olive oil and spices of your choice. Bake these in the oven until golden.

You can also buy spiced cashews, but be careful to choose brands that use natural ingredients so you don't negate the health benefits of cashews.

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Hummus (880x880)

6. Carrots and Hummus

Hummus is a versatile and nutritious dip made from chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, and garlic. As it's made from chickpeas, it has all the benefits of roasted chickpeas, providing a good dose of protein and healthy fats.

Pairing this dip with carrots creates a classic taste. Not only is this combination delicious, but carrots have health benefits too. This veggie contains beta carotene, which is a precursor to Vitamin A in your body. Beta carotene is important for several reasons, such as boosting immunity.

7. Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are a low-calorie and gluten-free snack that can satisfy those hunger pangs. Choosing brown rice cakes is best, as these are low in calories but high in fibre. The main problem with rice cakes is that they are very moreish, so make sure you only have one portion at your desk!

Rice cakes also make a versatile healthy snack for work, as they can be topped with your favourite nut butter. Almond, peanut, or cashew butter are great choices, as they offer a rich source of protein, healthy fats, and essential vitamins. Add some sliced bananas or a sprinkle of cinnamon to enhance the flavour.

8. Seaweed

Seaweed snacks are available in many stores, these are crispy squares of dried seaweed that are usually seasoned. These are low in calories and high in iodine, which is important for thyroid function. Seaweed also contains a range of other vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

If you're looking for a more substantial snack than crispy seaweed squares, you can make vegetable sushi rolls. Fill nori seaweed sheets with a variety of fresh vegetables like cucumber, avocado, bell pepper, and carrot, along with some cooked brown rice. They're not only delicious but also a good source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

9. Edamame

Edamame is immature soybeans that can be used to make a tasty work snack. Filled with plant-based protein, these make a satisfying snack. In fact, soy protein might be just as satisfying as beef protein and may help control your appetite, aiding with weight loss.

You can find ready-to-eat edamame in steamed or roasted forms. You could even roast your own at home, simply toss the beans with olive oil and a little salt, then roast until brown.

10. Smoothies

Create tasty and healthy smoothies to take to work for a balance of nutrients. You can add fruits, greens, veggies and more to create a delicious treat.

Why not create a green smoothie blend with banana, spinach, nut butter and almond milk? This will have a range of nutrients and be a filling snack.

Staying Healthy at Work

With these healthy snack ideas, you can bring flavour, nutrition, and excitement to your office snacking routine. These options are not only tasty but also packed with essential nutrients to keep you fueled and focused throughout the day. Remember, choosing healthy options doesn't mean compromising on flavour or convenience.

But, when it comes to staying healthy at work, there are other actions you can take, such as taking breaks from screens and stretching regularly. Hydration is also an important health factor, as this helps with productivity and general well-being. Take a look at our tips for staying hydrated at work for help with this health consideration in the office or at home.

If you're an employer, why not supply some healthy snacks for your employees, like a fruit bowl? And don't forget to add office water dispensers to keep your workers hydrated.

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