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Taking Action in 2021

Celebrating progress made in 2020 and driving sustainable change

Had things gone according to plan, 2020 was to have been the Year of Climate Action. The UK was set to host the much-anticipated UN Climate Change Conference (commonly known as COP26), and the world was set to mark not only the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement but also ten years to the deadline for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

While the COVID-19 pandemic caused numerous delays and disruption to climate action, we also saw a groundswell of new commitments from businesses and governments, and a recognition by many that the existential threat of the pandemic was a ‘warm up’ for the climate crisis. In some cases, lockdowns actually meant positive gains for the planet, as people travelled less and spent more time in their local areas. Amid the dark moments, 2020 was also a time for reflection and a year in which we learnt a lot about our priorities as individuals, as businesses and as a global society.

As we enter 2021, while the immediate need to tackle the pandemic remains, it is important that we learn from this and play our role in bringing about the change we want to see in the world.

Driving behaviour change to support the waste hierarchy

At BRITA, we’ve always believed in the big impact of small sustainable choices that we can all make every day. Our research last year found that almost half (48%) of all adults are now more conscious of making these choices every day, and 69% are willing to change their behaviour to help manage a global crisis.

This year, we are going to be working hard with our partners, including Keep Britain Tidy (KBT), to understand how we can help consumers to not only maintain existing sustainable habits, but to support further actions in the community to reduce waste. This work will champion the waste hierarchy, the system which effectively ranks waste management options according to what is best for the environment. The top priority is to prevent waste in the first place, which is what we are focusing on with KBT.

Single use plastic bottles

Driving behaviour change to support the waste hierarchy

At BRITA, we’ve always believed in the big impact of small sustainable choices that we can all make every day. Our research last year found that almost half (48%) of all adults are now more conscious of making these choices every day, and 69% are willing to change their behaviour to help manage a global crisis.

This year, we are going to be working hard with our partners, including Keep Britain Tidy (KBT), to understand how we can help consumers to not only maintain existing sustainable habits, but to support further actions in the community to reduce waste.

This work will champion the waste hierarchy, the system which effectively ranks waste management options according to what is best for the environment. The top priority is to prevent waste in the first place, which is what we are focusing on with KBT.

Coffee Cup Plastic

Collaborating with our customers and celebrating success

We also know collaboration is key for tackling big issues like climate change, which is why we will continue to work hard with and for our customers to drive sustainability. In research undertaken with KBT in 2019, we found that SMEs often lack the resources to tackle sustainability challenges, and so we will be exploring how we can bring together the wider business community to share key learnings and expertise to support sustainability.

We know the last year has been incredibly tough for so many, particularly those in the hospitality sector, and we still have some way to go before things return to some semblance of normal. At a time when businesses have a huge amount on their plates, we want to celebrate our customers’ sustainability success stories. Because big or small, these wins help to inspire and mobilise others.

This year we’re looking forward to providing a virtual platform to share this amazing progress through our sponsorship of The Green and Blue Gala with our charity partner Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC). At BRITA, we want to ensure our partnerships and corporate initiatives help mobilise a community that is supportive and inclusive, so that when the time comes, we can all build back greener together.

Plastic Straw Ban

Supporting legislative progress to tackle climate change

In spite of its challenges, 2021 is going to be a really significant year for environmental policy, with COP26 on the horizon and the UK’s landmark Environment Bill expected to receive royal assent as early as the spring. Scotland and Wales are also planning to ban single-use plastic plates, straws, and other items.

This year has the potential to be an important turning point in changing the tide on single-use plastic pollution. At BRITA, we know we cannot recycle our way out of our current waste problem, which is why we work so hard to champion reduction and reuse in order to support the important principles of the waste hierarchy, and accelerate the transition to a circular economy.

Building on the momentum shift kickstarted by the pandemic

Whilst plastic pollution is a really important topic for us, this year, we will also be broadening our efforts to champion sustainability; doing more to promote the importance of the waste hierarchy, while also looking at challenges around carbon emissions and climate change. We look forward to sharing more on this work as it develops over the course of this year and beyond.

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